A Kindergarten Class

This morning I proceeded from Fitball (where you do all kinds of awful things to your body, in the interests of strengthening your core, whilst holding an enormous ball) to Aquafit (where you do all kinds of awful things to your body in a swimming pool). This was all undertaken as part of my quest for health and fitness, of course, although I'm certain one of my recent classes must have been responsible for a knotted muscle which has been causing me to suffer an ugly pain. Having decided that the best policy, in addition to massaging it, is to try to stretch it out, I am of course continuing to put myself through the agony of fitness classes. 

In reality they are good fun, although I had to pinch myself at one point this morning in the pool when  I thought that I was going to burst into laughter. Looking at myself holding a giant woggle, it would have been hard to convince anybody that I was not participating in some kind of organised entertainment at a post-war holiday camp! 

Matters then moved on apace when the class was invaded by a predatory shark that was actually a lady in a snorkel and mask who had decided to swim lengths right through the middle of the proceedings. Whilst I found hilarity in the situation, some of my fellow fitness freaks were less prone to the giggles and more towards offence, resulting in some kind of underwater territorial war. 

Just when I was thinking that things couldn't get any funnier, I entered the changing room at the end of the class and in so doing moved from the bizarre to the ridiculous. A heated discussion was taking place and I was subsequently told that the mask and snorkel had gone missing!

Whoever said retirement would mean mixing with mature seniors? This was more like kindergarten, although I exited quickly with a bemused smile on my face (and no - I didn't know the whereabouts of the items that had disappeared)!


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