A Sweet for Retirement

Here am I thinking that I have been going to a gym regularly. Today I examined the sign on the door and it actually says Fitness Suite. I am not sure why, but I was quite bowled over by the distinction. For me Fitness Suite has a certain "je ne sais quoi." After all it is the place I go to and put in enormous amounts of effort in an endeavour to acquire an element of fitness.

When I told my mother, she misheard, as is her way, and seemed to think that I was buying a new three piece. When I told Mister E, he asked if it was the equivalent of one of those protein shakes.

Okay, I got the message: I went to the gym today!


Unknown said…
Not being a keen gym goer, when I think of fitness it's fitness sweat! Fitness suite certainly sounds like something with prestige and without a great deal of hard work. Gym is much more realistic!
Caree Risover said…
Excellent - I think you have hit the nail on the head

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