Mister E has a Wobble

The last week has been a particularly busy one for me as I frantically rush to get case files finished before my impending retirement. Mister E, on the other hand has been wallowing in his first week of freedom since his university days. The problem is that Mister E is an outdoor person and the weather this week has militated against cycling or pottering with his boat which is currently awaiting its annual anti-foul. Instead, he has embarked on a week of decluttering, meaning that at last I can see space in cupboards, on shelves and on floors that was not there before.

You can appreciate, therefore, that I was not surprised when this weekend he endeavoured to latch onto my activities (ironing excepted) and even suggested that I might like to go on a long walk with him in the rain. Mister E, it appears, does not have the same lengthy bucket list that I have prepared for wet weather resistant activities and is already becoming bored and missing work!

Well I happily spun a deal with him: tomorrow he does some of the chores that I intended to see to today and I went on that walk around a local reservoir with him instead.


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