Reflections on a Fourth Month of Retirement

Although I seem to be cramming so much into my life at the moment, I have also noticed a tendency to procrastinate and perhaps even take far longer over something than I would have done previously or to fritter away time on something I might, in my working life, have considered pointless. Inevitably I have joined that league of retired people who openly confess, "I don't know how I ever found the time to go to work."

In any event and whilst it had been my intention to start an Interior Design Course this month, I have postponed the start date due not only to an apparent lack of time but a need also to brush up those artistic skills. I did however take my sketch book with me to Greece, where we spent a week, and I am certainly improving from my first efforts a few weeks ago, although I know you are going to say that my attempts at hibiscus fall far short of those of Georgia O'Keefe.

My main priority remains maintaining the fitness challenge that originally started for four weeks in July. I'm pleased to say that I do seem to be managing to get into the gym, pool or do a fitness class five times a week, The damage inflicted by years at the office desk seems enormous  but for a large part I believe reversible; it's just going to take time

I have taken on board some advice I read this month which is not to plunge headlong into too many new commitments as a result of retirement and instead to take up to two years to find out what works best. So October has been and retirement continues to be a period of experimentation when I dabble with various interests and the development of skills as this blog must surely document.

In many respects the real adoption of retirement has only started this month with the youngest's departure to university. Mister E and I are now very much exploring our shared interests and activities. Our trip to Greece also delayed the onset of autumn but our return has been greeted by much lower temperatures and more unsettled conditions, tempting us to stay indoors. That is at least giving me the opportunity to take control of various administrative tasks that I have neglected for too long and for us both to settle some longer term joint plans.

I think it was David Bowie who is attributed with saying, "I don't know where I'm going from here but I promise it won't be boring." At the end of Month 4, I can fully endorse that.


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