

I made the most of my Get Out of Jail Free card (after negative lateral flow tests on Days 5 and 6) to wander up the road to the postbox this afternoon. Actually I could have escaped my incarceration by doing exactly that yesterday but this egregious restriction on my liberty, unwarranted though it may have been, wasn't exactly limiting anything I was looking to do and bearing in mind it poured with rain all day on Sunday, I decided to postpone my sniff of freedom for benign weather conditions.

After 11 days of indoor recuperation it was a strange feeling going out by myself, even if it was just for 10 minutes. I was interested to see how my heart might react to the sustained effort of a short uphill stroll. Fortunately I think any elevation in its rate has been more than offset by the intake of fresh air by my lungs, so the jury remains out pending the outpatient monitoring as to any ongoing effects.

Importantly, it set up my confidence for more tomorrow (fair weather dependent of course) and also gave me a  chance to wander in the garden and note the changes over the last couple of weeks. Dare I say that it's beginning to bloom with an array of colours from the polyanthus and miniature irises that have come into flower. Looking at the height of the stalks on the bulbs, daffodils and narcissi aren't going to be too far behind either and the snowdrops are already abundant.

I spotted a couple of neighbours out with their hoes. A quick check of the "cans and cannots" following my operation, suggests that gardening remains off my timetable for a few weeks yet. I'm not going to whinge about that nor indeed take any chances. In fact as vaccum cleaning is on the list of "must nots", I've convinced myself that I'm a winner after all. Note too that in case somebody thinks of handing me our feather duster instead, I've hidden it!




Treaders said…
When you've had to self-confine for any length of time, it really does feel like you've been let out of jail when the restrictions end, doesn't it. And good for you for taking it easy as yet. I'm sure your body will be grateful after what you've been through!
Caree Risover said…
Yes, whilst the battle within continues on several fronts, it was good to break out
Jeanette Lewis said…
I'm sure that resting while you recuperate is difficult for someone who is usually busy with many activities. Take care of yourself and enjoy some downtime!
Caree Risover said…
That is so true and whilst resting goes hand in hand with feeling ill, once you’re more alert it’s actually tricky remembering that you are not to stretch or lift and have to relax between bouts of minor physical activity

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