Swimming Goggles

Although competent, I am a very slow swimmer who detests getting her face splashed in the pool. The moment I do, the chlorine irritates my eyes and they become bloodshot, remaining sore and fiery red for hours.

I could, of course, wear goggles but remain haunted by the pairs I had as a teenager which only seemed to trap the water and make everything ten times worse.

However,  cognisant of the fact that more and more swimmers at my local pool seem to be attacking lengths resplendent in goggles, this morning I purchased a set and immediately tried them out. Science and technology have clearly moved on apace since the early 1970's and why I have been putting myself through the agony of chlorine infected eyes for the last decade or more, I now cannot understand. 

They were magnificent and, dare I say it, improved my swimming no end! Well I thought I looked rather stylish anyway. The main thing was that without having to adapt my strokes to hold my head out of the water,  it felt as though I not only speeded up but also glided through the water.

In fact I enjoyed the whole experience so much I'm going back again first thing tomorrow morning too. Whilst I want to be fit and healthy in retirement, there's no reason, of course, to leave it until then and who knows I might even start to do tumble turns.

Incidentally the picture above is not of my local pool (if you hadn't guessed) but rather of that at a past holiday destination.


Swimfun said…
Very informative and impressive post you have written, this is quite interesting. Keep sharing such valuable information.

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Caree Risover said…
Rubbish, you are just pushing your business but I admire your cheek

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